COMFORT PILLOWSComfort pillows are used by patients in recovery after chest or abdominal surgery to provide a cushion at the incision site to help ease pain. WCC has been lovingly making Comfort Pillows for Tri-City Medical Center and Scripps Hospitals for years to provide care and comfort to women & men alike.
See us in action whipping up Comfort Pillows! |
"Although it may seem small, the support and sense of community that pillow provided to us meant a lot. Thank you for the kindness and thoughtfulness that you brought to us in what has been an incredibly difficult time." |
Comfort Pillow "Sew-in"At least twice a year, members of WCC gather to cut, press, sew, stuff, tag & bag comfort pillows for patients in need of a reminder that someone cares. In just a few hours, between 150-200 pillows are lovingly made from mostly donated materials, to be delivered to local hospitals for the staff to distribute to their patients. It is a heartwarming experience for all.
All are welcome to join us to help with this project. Just let us know you're coming by clicking on the Contact Us button above. |