Testimonials & Thank-You's
Hello to all of the wonderful women of the Women’s Club of Carlsbad. I want to start off by saying thank you. I have been so so blessed to have been touched by your club throughout numerous chapters of my life, both in exciting times and in very hard times. Over 7 years ago, I was honored to receive a scholarship my senior year of high school which was supported by your amazing club. This played a foundational part in my ability to attend college at UC Berkeley and pave the way for what has been the start of an exciting career! Fast forward to today, my mother (the most amazing role model I’ve had the pleasuring of having) has been battling very advanced breast cancer. We have spent the past few days at Scripps Encinitas and came into her hospital room to find a pink ribboned pillow with a note “Made by the Woman’s Club of Carlsbad.” I couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of support from our community and just wanted to say thank you. Although it may seem small, the support and sense of community that pillow provided to us meant a lot. Thank you for the kindness and thoughtfulness that you brought to us in what has been an incredibly difficult time. |
I just had lumpectomy surgery today at TriCity Medical Center and I received my pillow. I want to thank all of those who participate and put love and time into making these beautiful pillows. It’s very special to me. Once again, thank you Beth Bulger |